Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Jabs and weigh day ...

  Hello intrepid readers, firstly apologies for not managing to visit this space yesterday but the day was indeed action packed and sometimes fun.
      It was an early start at Moon Mansions, as usual, Roo likes to get up once awake in the style of most babies I am sure, there is generally something he might be missing. Mostly of late the whereabouts of the wipe packet seems paramount, that lovely crinkly item seems to be his favourite toy for now. Breakfast was soon gone, the banana/wheetabix combination is doing really well at the moment! After his wash we got dressed, I flicked an eye at the clock and realised I would have time for breakfast too, luckily! I am desperately trying to re-implement breakfast for myself and kick start a new eating regime, I wont for now call it a d**** because when I do that it all goes wrong and people start expecting things, or is it vice versa  ?? Anyway I digress... There we are, after aforementioned breakfast and with five minutes left before we have to dash for the bus, when I realise that to go to the doctors and clinic I need to take the 'red book'. The usual 'panic shredding' of the front room and study ensued until I found it just in time to run for the bus, drag the pushchair onto it and sit down.
        'Inoculation day' at the doctors is instantly recognisable by the pile of pushchairs and car seats and the intermittent wails from behind the nurses' door. All of us sat with our little lovlies on our knees', giving them our best 'everything will be ok, I promise' look, waiting for the call from the poor nurse who has an equal if not excelling 'everything will be ok, I promise' look for them on arrival. They must have an inkling what is going to happen by the time they get to the third set, which we had yesterday. Roo I think resigned himself to the fact it was happening, there were no tears at all, just a little yelp and a huge feed straight away afterward. The worst part was holding him still to tape down the cotton wool I think. It did however make me wonder if I had become immune to the process somehow as I watched other mum's wander in and out clutching their precious cargo, hearing the screams and seeing their poor eyes still full of water after their experience. I have to say we fared rather better for it whatever it is.
        To add insult to injury, it being a Tuesday, we went down to the 'Drop in and weigh' session at the sure start centre straight afterward. By the time we arrived there Roo was a wafer from a beautiful sleep when once again lifted him from the seat and took my number and waited to be called. As ever the room was full of mums of all ages with their tots and teenies of all ages and sizes. We got a distinct amount of 'hair envy' for some reason yesterday, there seemed a glut of babies with luscious locks, Roo however is still sporting the 'Ray Winston', or indeed the 'Alan Shearer' as my hubby likes to call it. I would describe it more like a lovely blond peach fuzz. I am used to having babies with this hair style two of my girls were like this and now have good full flowing locks so I do realise it wont last. In fact i think it was rather worse for the girls, especially Kate, she had similar till she was nearly three, and I tired of being asked how old 'he' was! it was soon my turn and Roo was weighed, after some visable sigh's at his size from a couple of the other mum's I proudly placed my 'cherub' on the scales. He is following his 'line' so no worries there, the health vistor seemed happy. she doesn't say much, so we got dressed and went off for the bus. As we did the heavens opened, both myself in sandals and Roo in shorts got duly soaked.
          The whole morning did get me thinking, why do we all inherently 'size up' each other's perfect progeny?  Do we really need centiles? And ... of course ... Why does it always rain on me??


  1. Great post. Lovely to meet another "older" mum xx
    I can still remember clearly my eldest son's inoculations over 16 years ago : ( and don't get me started on the twins !!

  2. Welcome! I do have to say being 'older' is quite comforting although I do sometimes feel I am the only one ;0) Thank you! It certainly was all so different each time!
