I decided not to bore you too often with the fitness updates as to be honest on a daily basis would bore anyone stupid let alone me! But for prosperity and in the vague hope that this record may spur me along a little more I shall make weekly updates if i remember of course. far be it from me to say that my mind is prone to wandering, but I think it may be! This post alone even up to here has taken me the best part of the morning as i have wandered of mentally or physically every other second.
The plan is to get fit and smaller , basically because if i don't do something soon rolling around will be my only option, and we live at the bottom of a hill so even that could be difficult. I have to admit being spurred on by some friends with the same hobby we are all always talking about doing something and so the 'Lardy Dave's fat fighters self help group' was born. All of us desperate to lose weight and get fit all for our own reasons all of them terribly brilliant and all of us failed and won the war before. It was around four days before its inception that i started walking, having Roo has led me to be a little sedentary so I had started to take long morning walks first around the village, then out of the village to the main road and further. Those of us ex smokers and smokers alike will realise how hard walking can be at pace, building it up has happened really very quickly, although i did give up some years ago now I do believe that my lungs are feeling much better. I have even made the commitment to try the Couch to 5k plan, heaven knows why with my physique! But so far so good and I can thoroughly recommend the podcasts. Although I imagine sticking to week one for at least a month at this rate, its HARD! well hard for a fat old woman who has never run before for fear of black eyes, takes some strapping to keep these from flapping up in my face I can tell you!
Alongside the running/walking taking Roo swimming and baby groups and running up and down the stairs i have opted to use my Slimming world recipes, I lost a fair amount following their plan before and the food is good, hubby isn't even noticing the difference really. I also have been using a book and CD combo that was given to me some time ago, more about that at a later date i think, i would like to see how I go with it before revealing it ;0).
So far I have gone from walking to the shop and back to walking six miles a day and running 8 minutes every other day! Wish me more luck please!

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